Galyat region, or hill tract, is a narrow strip or area roughly 50–80 km north-east of Islamabad, Pakistan. It is extending on both sides of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Punjab border, between Abbottabad and Murree. The word itself is derive from the plural of the Urdu word gali. Which means an alley between two mountains on both sides of which there are valleys and it is not the highest point in the range. Many of the towns in the area have the word gali as part of their names, and are popular tourist resorts. Being on linguistic and geographical continuum this area has challenged social scientists in terms of anomalous classification.

Historical View :

The Galyat tracts were first ‘discovered’ by early British colonial officials. Such as James Abbott, who ventured into these areas circa 1846–47. The British found them climatically conducive to them and began to develop some of the sites in the range/tract as hill resorts, to escape the summer heat of the low-lands. Later on, after Partition/Independence of Pakistan in 1947. These were neglect for some time but eventually developed further from the 1960s onwards as popular resorts.

The area, being home to the Karlal tribe. Therefore it was called the ‘Karral country’ during the colonial times by the British. The Karlal’s are still the dominant tribe of the Galyat. The language use by the tribesmen is Hindko. Whereas the dialect of Hindko is called as the ‘Dhundi-Kairali’. It is today located in what is the Abbottabad District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. At an elevation of 2,410 m (8,000 ft), it is a popular tourist resort in the summer months. It has large number of pine, cedar, oak walnut and also oak and maple trees.

Galiyat Snow Festival :

Galiyat Development Authority, Abbottabad has brought a 3 days snow festival named Galiyat Snow Festival 2022. It will include some action-packed stirring, and exciting activities in beautiful Nathiagali and some other scenic spots of the Galiyat region in Pakistan.
Galyat Snow Festival launch by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Tourism Department to promote snow-sports and winter tourism in Pakistan.

Hotels Facilities Near Galyat Region :

we recommend Galiyat for holiday destination and love trekking through lush green tracks, exploring nature. Stay at lavish hotels catching scenic views of mountains top through windows. We recommend you to book hotels from where you can find different verities of hotels at reasonable prices.