

Ghizer valley is not only the most beautiful valley in Gilgit Baltistan but also in Pakistan. This region is known for its lakes and landscapes. Ghizer valley is the westernmost part of the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. Its capital is Gahkuch. Ghizer is crossroads between Gilgit and Chitral and also to Tajikistan via Qurumber pass through Ishkomen/Darkut Yasin (which are connected via Shandur Pass).Ghizer derived from 'Gherz,' which in ‘Khowar’ (a local language) means 'refugees.Ghizer is a rich multi-ethnic district where three languages, Shina, Khowar and Burushaski, are spoken widely. In Ishkoman, there are also Tajik speakers. Ghizer valley residents are calm, hospitable, educated and courteous. The Khoi and the Shokah are two historically significant features of Ghizer’s folk attire. The Khoi is a hat made of homespun woollen cloth, whereas the Shokah is a cloak made of homespun woollen cloth that reaches to the ankles and has long sleeves.
Phander Lake, Ghizer, Gilgit-Baltistan

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