Deosai National Park is a high-altitude alpine plain (plateau). It is located in between Skardu, Astore and Kharmang district in Gilgit Baltistan. Most of the area falls in Skardu District. Deosai Plain is at an average elevation of 4,114 metres (13,497 ft) above sea level.

Furthermore It considered as the second highest plateaus in the world. The name came about from the folk tale immortalised by Mian Muhammad Baksh in his poem, “Saif al-Mulook”. The word ‘Deosai’ means ‘the Shadow of the Giant’the word “Deo” being a contraction of ‘Deva’, and the word ‘Sai’ being one of ‘Saya’ also an acronym for swami or lord. Balti people call this place ‘Ghbiarsa’ referring to ‘Summer’s Place’ because it is only accessible in summer.

The Deosai plateau hosts the only stable population in the region And is important for its continued survival. Deosai and Sheosar Lake form one of the highest elevation freshwater wetlands in the world. The cold alpine environment is important due to its diverse alpine flora and the rich variety of species.

Geology :

The soils of this area are severely eroded, of a coarser nature. Which mixed with gravel and stones of various materials and sizes. In flat areas between mountains, soil is deep with marshy vegetation.

Fauna and Flora in Deosai National Park :

The Deosai Plains are also home to the Siberian ibex, Snow Leopard, Kashmir Musk Deer, Himalayan wolf, Himalayan marmot and over 124 types of resident and migratory birds. Birds in the park include the Golden eagle, Lammergeier, Himalayan vulture, Laggar falcon. Furthermore Peregrine falcon, Eurasian kestrel, Eurasian sparrowhawk, and Himalayan snowcock.

The following plant species are present in Deosai like Artemisia maritima, Polygonum affine, Thalictrum alpinum, Bromus oxyodon, Saxifraga flagellaris, Androsace mucronifolia, Aster flaccidus, Barbarea vulgaris, Artemisia maritima, Agropyron longearistatum. Moreover Nepeta connate, Carex cruenta, Ranaculyus laetus, Arenaria neelgerrensis, Astrogalus leucophylla. Polygonum amplexinade, Echinop nivetus, Seria chrysanthenoides. Furthermore Artemisia maritima, Dracocephalum nutsus, Anapalas contorta, Chrysopogon echinulatus and Dianthus crinitus also live here.

There were also observed some medicinal plants which are locally famous. Which include Thymu linearis (Reetumburuk), Saussures lappa (kuth), Ephedra intimedia (Say), Viola canescens (Skora-mindoq), Dracocephalum muristanicum (Shamdun) and Artemisia maritima (Bursay) etc. These are use as traditional drug therapies.

Access to Deosai from different places :

Deosai is 30kms away from Skardu city, 562 km from Islamabad. It is accessible from different valleys of Gilgit Baltistan. The shortest route to reach Deosai is in its north, from Skardu. But it is accessible from Astore in its west and Galtari-Kharmang in its southeast. But the most popular itinerary is Astore-Deosai-Skardu, where tourists can explore the two major valleys.

Route from Astore valley via Chilum is 70 Km long and a bumpy 4-5 hours ride. As the road condition is not good for a car drive. However, driving on a jeep through the narrow gorges on the way is lovely.

Best Time to Visit Deosai Plains :

As the name “Ghbiarsa” suggests, Deosai plains are a place to be visit in summer. Which is covered with snow for most of the year. This factor rules out the possibility of permanent human habitation in the area. Tourism in the area is limited. Mostly tourists visit during the summer from June to September.

Activities at Deosai National Park :

The dazzling Sheosar Lake, brown Bear hunting fish in streams zigzagging through plains. Butterflies kissing the blossom, vibrant flowers reeling in the chilly breeze. The golden eagles soaring across the clouds peculiar aroma in the atmosphere; all bequeath you with an experience indelible.

The vastness of the park offers several activities besides enjoying the serene, noise-free wilderness of the plain. Among several water bodies dotted in the park, Sheosar Lake reflecting the spectacular backdrop of the majestic mountain is the most significant.

Bara Pani and Kaala Pani are the two streams that you have to cross to reach the lake. While Kaala Pani is shallow and is safe to cross in a jeep, Bara Pani has an old wooden bridge over it. A concrete bridge is now constructed over the river. However, traversing the swaying wooden bridge on foot, a melodious river gushing below, is unique.

After crossing the bridge at Bara Pani, you can try fishing as the river is home to several species of trout, with snow trout being common.
Some trails lead into and out of Deosai National Park, which appeals to the trekking lovers to explore the surrounding wilderness. It is better to trek through the plains with a local guide.

Hotel Facilities Near Deosai Plain :

If you are planning to take a trip to Deosai National Park anytime soon, then diffrent types of Hotels and Guest Houses are available to facilitate you in Skard. Which is near to the Deosai Plains.